Monday, January 17, 2011

It's About Time for a new Giveaway!


We have been so busy creating, celebrating and now getting ready to shoot the gowns for our Fall 2011 Collection! We are so excited! When we get ready to do photo buzz buzz is what you hear! And, we actually have a familiar face joining us for our Fall Collection 2011....more on her later! Right now....this is all about you!! 

FIRST: You must be either be a blog follower or our friend on Facebook to enter this giveaway!

Next come all the BONUS enteries:
  • For a SECOND entry: Follow our blog PUBLICLY or leave an email address, so that we can contact you
  • For a THIRD entry: blog about this contest and leave an ADDITIONAL comment to let us know you did that with a link to the post 
  • For a FOURTH entry: twitter about this contest and leave an ADDITIONAL comment to let us know you did that with a link to the post
  • For a FIFTH entry: Grab our Blog Button and add it to your page (leave an additional post with link to let me know you did this!)
5 BONUS ENTRIES Submit a picture or pictures (multiple pics are GREAT!) to and get FIVE bonus entries!

The pics can either be you TRYING on a Bonny Gown - or - pics from your actual BIG DAY
**any additional info you can provide will help; try on date, wedding date, 
gown style number, etc will help!**

So that means you can get 10 entries into this giveaway!

This giveaway will end on: January 31, 2011 at 5pm PST and the winner will be posted and contacted shortly there after! If we do not hear from the winner within 3 days, another winner will be chosen. PLEASE, make sure you leave me a way to contact you!!

What you win: A FAN-TAB-U-LOUS Etsy Wedding Package!

    Personalized Length of Silver Wire for the DIY Wood Wire Wedding Dress HangerSOLD OUT  The Original Silver Lingerie, Wedding Dress Hanger SOLD OUTThe Original Double Heart Lingerie Hanger
    Lila Frances Bridal keep showing your dress off! - $25
    CUSTOM wooden heart ornament with dresden keys and your personal message- an heirloom Valentine by Paloma's NestI CARRY YOUR HEART tiny text bowl and heart token set by Paloma's Nest
      Paloma's Nest....if you are already married there are many selections you can choose 
      from but if you are still ring bowls are amazing! - $38
      Silver Orchid Flower Earrings
      Silver Round Hole Earrings
      Piper Blue - Offers beautiful jewelry $24
      Personalized Love Silhouette Print with date 8x10
      Nella Designs - Modern flair designs! We totally love the silhouette print $22

      This giveaway is open to EVERYONE however, if you are the winning bride and you live outside the US...we will pay for shipping but the import or duty fees are your responsibility! Thank you for your understanding!

      Value of giveaway (including shipping to winner): $109.00

      Don't forget to either follow this blog publicly OR friend us on facebook here!


      Unknown said...

      I am publicly following your blog with my Google ID! :) Great giveaway!

      Unknown said...

      I tweeted about the giveaway! @theJuke2

      kristenrjuchem at hotmail

      Unknown said...

      Hi! I sent a friend request on the book of faces, (Kate Lanier)

      Unknown said...

      I also am following you publicly with my googleID!

      Unknown said...

      I retweeted @kate.lanier

      Unknown said...

      i posted your link on my wedding website

      Erin H. said...

      I am following (and publicly!) on my Google ID account! Great giveaway!

      OC Savvy Mama of One said...

      I requested to be your friend on

      OC Savvy Mama of One said...

      I am following your blog publicly.

      Unknown said...

      I am following your blog on Google ID!

      Kayleigh said...

      I am publicly following the blog and my email address is

      Kayleigh said...

      I tweeted about this giveaway :-D

      Lindsey L said...

      I am following your blog publicly on Google ID!
      Thanks for a great giveaway, I especially love the bridal hangers! Thanks :)

      Amber said...

      I added you as a friend on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
      Thank you for the giveaway :)

      Amber said...

      I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect as Amber
      Thank you for the giveaway :)

      Birgit said...

      Following publicly on GFC!!

      danaan at gmx dot at

      Beathag said...

      I follow this blog!

      sophia.komninou at

      Reniazen said...

      Following publicly!

      Reniazen said...

      Tweeted link to giveaway (@reniazen)

      Unknown said...

      I follow on GFC :) Lovely giveaway!


      Emily R. said...

      I follow your blog

      stanech said...

      following you on gfc

      stanech at gmail dot com

      postalflea said...

      I follow on facebook and twitter :-)

      Mrs. Puma said...

      I'm a public follower via Google.
      My e-mail is

      Mrs. Puma said...

      I tweeted about your giveaway!!/soonerpsych/status/27954452950425600

      Mrs. Puma said...

      I e-mailed you photos of my wedding dress as well. The message came from

      leah said...

      i follow you on GFC (leahluna)

      Anonymous said...

      I have sent the friend request on Facebook (Kathie Perez)

      Anonymous said...

      I tweeted:!/kdcperez07/status/27992994057555969

      KHBride said...

      I'm a facebook fan (Kestrel Homer)

      KHBride said...

      I follow the blog publicly.

      KHBride said...

      I tweeted:

      M-J said...

      I follow your blog. I am getting married in May in the UK and would love to win! Thanks,

      Unknown said...

      I added you as a friend on Facebook! (oksana vladimirovna)

      Thank you for the chance!


      Unknown said...

      Following your blog via GFC!


      Unknown said...

      Tweeted: (@oksana2372)!/oksana2372/status/28041649904951296


      Dee said...

      Following your blog through Google. Thanks!


      Unknown said...

      blog follower! thanks for the opportunity! Meredith dot Targarona at Gmail dot com

      Anonymous said...

      once you accept me I will have LIKED you on FB!

      I am also a blog follower


      Jacqueline said...

      im a gfc follower!! what a nice giveaway!

      erine said...

      I am a facebook friend!

      erine said...

      I am a GFC follower!

      The Red Door Pursuit said...

      Publicly following you with Google ID.

      The Red Door Pursuit said...

      Tweeted about the giveaway. I'm twitter challenged so I included @BONNYBRIDAL

      lilDdownunder said...

      I follow your blog.


      lilDdownunder said...

      I just saw, I get a second, bonus, entry because I follow publicly...wahoo!


      Ms. M said...

      followed you via GFC as Ms. M

      fablanche3petal AT gmail DOT com

      Ms. M said...

      I added you on FB as Mxy Rxy Fernandez.

      fablanche3petal AT gmail DOT com

      Ms. M said...


      fablanche3petal AT gmail DOT com

      Abigail said...

      I am publicly following the blog and facebook friended you as Abi. Love the contest and would especially love to win a personalized hanger for my wedding gown:)

      Abigail said...

      I blogged about your awesome giveaway!

      Anonymous said...

      I follow your blog :)

      Anonymous said...

      I publicly follow your blog too

      Rita said...

      I am publicly following and keeping my fingers crossed. :)

      Callie said...

      GFC follower--great giveaway!

      liz said...

      Gosh ! I am so excited with this giveaway. I would like to participate in it.
      Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect name liz.

      Much Thankies for the chance dear
      Good luck for me and everyone :)


      liz said...

      I twit here!/dokidokico/status/28628678766235648

      Much Thankies for the chance dear
      Good luck for me and everyone :)


      Claire Atoxim said...

      Blog Follower

      Atoxim at gmail dot com

      Claire Atoxim said...


      Atoxim at gmail dot com

      Quack Wedding Obsessed said...

      I am following publicly with my Google ID! I LOVE etsy and etsy giveaways! :)

      Quack Wedding Obsessed said...

      I added your blog button to my blog:
      Erin_J711 at hotmail dot com

      Amazing giveaway!

      Sharon said...

      I'm a GFC public follower! :)

      yepfinleywedding at gmail dot com

      Jblanton said...

      following your blog with google friend connect

      Unknown said...

      Following with google friend connect!

      allibob1 at

      MrsFarmer said...

      I sent you a friend request on Facebook!

      skipthelaundry said...

      added you as facebook friend
      amber jackson porter
      skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

      skipthelaundry said...

      follow your blog gfc
      skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

      skipthelaundry said...

      skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

      puffpastryshop said...

      I am following you through GFC

      puffpastryshop said...

      I follow you publicly! My email is puffpastryshop(at)gmail(dot)com

      Koco & Viking said...

      Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such fabulousness!!! We're happily your newest friends.

      your NEW friends,
      koco & viking

      info [at] kocoandviking [dot] com

      koco & viking blog- a mother & daughter design team

      Kimberly said...

      OMG I'm in love with the hangers! I want a closet full of them. :) I follow with GFC.
      kirbycolby at gmail dot com

      Kimberly said...

      I follow and tweeted. Thank you!
      kirbyoclby at gmail dot com

      sweetsue said...

      I follow you publicly on GFC.
      smchester at gmail dot com

      Aisling said...

      I follow you publicly via GFC. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

      MrsFarmer said...

      Following you publicly with Google! mjmelinska(at)hotmail(dot)com

      Lucky Finds said...

      I am following you publicly with GFC as luckyfinds

      emiliana.sison AT

      Lucky Finds said...

      Posted your Blog Button on my sidebar -

      emiliana.sison AT

      gigi2011 said...

      I'm following publicly, requested Bonny on facebook and will be sending pictures shortly of me trying on a FANTASIC Bonny gown just last night! =D

      gigi2011 said...

      I also just put your blog button on my blog...

      flychild7 said...

      I follow on google friend connect

      ArtsyCraftsy said...

      What a neat giveaway, I love the items here! Now that I'm a follower (artsycraftsy), I can stay updated via blog!

      jess =]

      Anonymous said...

      I'm a public follower! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

      cornelio03 said...

      I follow your blog publicly via goggle friend connect


      cornelio03 said...

      I have your valentine button on my blog sidebar -


      Laura said...

      I'm following your blog!

      Suz said...

      GFC follower

      Suzanne Lewis

      txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

      Amber D. said...

      GFC follower!

      penguinlover_23 at yahoo dot com

      Anonymous said...

      I am following your blog

      Anonymous said...

      Following your blog publicly!

      lindsayfields at live dot com

      Anonymous said...

      Blogged about your giveaway

      lindsayfields at live dot com

      Unknown said...

      I publicly follow on Google! srbmichel(at)gmail(dot)com

      Raina said...

      I am following the Blog.
      Here is my email address:

      And I friended you on Facebook.

      I tweeted it. Twitter ID: @RainaL
      Here is the link to the tweet:!/RainaL/status/31886208632094721

      Unknown said...

      My email address is Katie Sherman.

      Unknown said...

      I tweeted the contest!!/ksherm/status/31890174673682432

      SweetShenanigans said...

      following you publicly via GFC
      girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

      Kellye and Jamie said...

      Following you on fb.

      kakihara said...

      yes please--what a wonderful prize
      following on gfc

      Hotsnotty2 said...

      Following via GFC, thanks!

      ericngrace said...

      I love this giveaway! All but one etsy seller has been on my "favorites" list for some time now! =D I have been your friend on facebook for some time as well. Love your website!

      ericngrace said...

      I am following your blog publicly!

      ericngrace said...

      tweeted on twitter!


      msrodeobrat said...

      following you on gfc
      addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

      susansmoaks said...

      fb friend request sent tony l smoaks
      susansmoaks at gmail dot com

      susansmoaks said...

      i follow on gfc
      susansmoaks at gmail dot com

      Junk Loving Girl said...

      I friended you on FB.

      Junk Loving Girl said...

      I am following with GFC.


      Anonymous said...

      I follow your blog.

      ~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

      im a follower!

      ~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

      i follow GFC publicly!! :)

      Laurie Pearson Photography said...

      I am a blog follower. (laurie pearson)

      Amanda G said...

      I follow your blog

      pegasusfeathers at

      Sand said...

      I'm a GFC follower.

      menucha fuchs said...

      i follow u on google

      kaltch1113 said...

      Following via gfc!

      catering services in Philippines said...

      I love it. Keep posting!
